
Devastating earthquake in the Himalayas

Nepal earthquake- Death toll passes 1000 by MyBreezyLife

Top managers of Google killed on Mount Everest

Kathmandu (Nepal) – On the day after the devastating earthquake in Nepal, the death toll has risen in the Himalayan region to more than 2,000. In Nepal alone 1953 deaths were registered, police said. In India, at least 53 people were killed according to official figures. 17 more deaths were reportedly Chinese state media in Tibet.

Further deaths caused in Nepal on Sunday because of an aftershock of magnitude 6.7. This was announced by the US seismological USGS. In the capital Kathmandu, the people ran screaming into the open.

The mountaineering base camp at Mount Everest was destroyed by avalanches. Meanwhile, several helicopters reached the scene of the accident to rescue injured. At least 17 people are to be killed there. Among them was a top executive of Google.

Dan Fredi Castle († 33) was one of the chiefs of Google X, the top-secret research laboratory of the US Internet giant, was responsible for data protection. The top managers played a leading role in the development of Google Street View.
Enlarge avalanche in the Himalayas
Triggered by the earthquake triggered an avalanche in the Himalayas and swept across the base camp at Mount Everest of time
Photo: AFP

But he was not only worked on the desk – sometimes even strapped a camera to themselves, even climbed with a Google camera on the back of Mount Everest.
Earthquake in the Himalayas – Infographic

Since March 31, he was on an expedition in Nepal, had trained for weeks. Obviously survived Fredi castle and its companion the earthquake first on his Instagram profile, it was said that he was “okay”. Their camp at Mount Everest was probably a deadly trap: A triggered by the shock avalanche hurt him, according to his sister Megan, he had injuries on the head – “and he did not survive.” Megan continued: “His soul and spirit but in many more of us live, he was and is everything for us. “

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