write for us

Hello girls! I´m excited to announce that Mybreezylife is now open for contributors  if your want to write for us. We´re a fashion, beauty and lifestyle blogazine for creative fashionistas. We have over 500 daily unique visitors, that´s over 15,000 unique monthly readers!

To be a regular contributor, you must be willing to commit to at least one quality article per week. You need to have your own fashion blog and must have a good command over English and you must.

If you´re a freelancer hoping to regularly publish articles on our site featuring your clients´ commercial links, then this position is NOT for you. As a contributor, you are only allowed to place one link to your own site in your every article.


Why You Should write for us

This position is unpaid however, it´s a win-win situation. You help me keep up with our backlog articles and produce quality posts while in return, this site will help you promote your own fashion site, earn more exposure for your work and link to your blog.

How to Apply

It’s very simple. You have three option to apply. Click on any of these link

  1. Contact us . Simply fill this form and mention your niche and website url I will get back to you.
  2. Like our facebook page and message us your niche and website url I will get back to you.
  3. Follow us on Twitter and DM us your niche and website url I will get back to you.

What is your responsibility:

  1. Once the content will publish on my blog it will be my property.
  2. You cannot publish this content anywhere however you can discuss about the post in your site.
  3. Make sure to post the link of you content on your social network
  4. If you want to promote your commercial site or Product site your content will be considered sponsored and will be charged accordingly.
  5. Provide at least one image relevant to your content or if you have taken from somewhere then give the proper credit.