Beauty & Wellness

” Mad Max: Fury Road ” , Mixed Response : nice hallucinated trip or nag too ?

Thirty years later, Mad Max , the motorized cowboy George Miller, hit the road in a blockbuster with an unbridled imagination , with Tom Hardy and Charlize Theron.

Inventive and playful

Mel Gibson leather, Tina Turner raging, the Mad Max trilogy, completed in 1985, had left full color pictures. Reinvented by its creator, the universe of motorized warriors turned even more toward fantasy. With a childish pleasure, George Miller turned a great ride: Mad Max (now played by Tom Hardy) becomes the knight of a truck driver named Imperator Furiosa (Charlize Theron), who watches over young beauties in an apocalyptic world where frightful continue on the monstrous machines …

The story has the lightness of a sketch. The few words shelled throughout the chase only open tracks. The desert to infinity and in this immensity, close-ups of faces and mouths of all kinds. Carnival masks or skins of parchment old ladies who come to support the team of women – where Mad Max finds his place with gentle virility, fairly new. Inventive and playful, the show is a cocktail of western Lawrence of Arabia, the Duel Spielberg heroines of Enki Bilal, including Charlize Theron appearance. Imagination lovers will have more charm and character than many blockbusters. It is a real hallucinated trip, which holds up viewer till the end.

Mad Max Fury Road – Official Theatrical Teaser Trailer [HD]

Against : Paris -Dakar in costumes 

It should have gone that action, that movement , that speed. George Miller remained in midwater , even in the desert. Still too scenario , dialogues, messages. The few remaining weighs . Tons . What are you looking for? “Asks Tom Hardy to Charlize Theron. ” Redemption ,” she replies . Women and the environment, the two great causes of this new version are brandished with a nag voluntarism that would eventually serve . For example, Miller is against the harems of dictacteurs . What audacity! For the rest , this is a feminist film that free undressed girls , but never its torso actor. An ecologist film that has everything a Paris -Dakar in costumes


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