Beauty & Wellness

Bulgaria : Woman beats Baby almost to death

The images are unbearable. A woman punches a baby several times with his fist in the face! She slaps it , grabs it in the neck and shakes it through !

Sofia ( Bulgaria ) – midwife Emilia Kovacheva ( 40 ) has beaten a four- day-old girl nearly to death !

This was confirmed by Health Minister Dr. Boyko Penkov Bulgarian news portal ” Standart News ” . The incredible fact occurred on Saturday a week ago in the hospital ” Sofiamed ” in the Bulgarian capital . The surveillance camera recorded the vile scenes . As soon as she enters the room , Kovacheva Nikol beats the small twice with her fist to the head . Then two more times .

Nurse viciously beating a new born baby by MyBreezyLife


The midwife tried to feed the girl , but that does not seem to be working . Again she strikes twice , this time on the body. The nurse pulls the girl’s one arm out of bed ! she repeatedly slams her hand on the face , grabs it from the neck and shakes it through .

The torture continues : Kovacheva stuffs the infant back to bed and given her another punch , again at the head . The video ends with the fact that it bends over the motionless baby . Nikol suffered severe head trauma , brain hemorrhages and brain edema . A specialist clinic doctors succeeded nevertheless to save the baby’s life . After 48 hours, Nikol is in ” stable condition “

 The reason for the outburst of the nurse isunknown. Kovacheva was arrested and charged with attempted murder of a newborn . Her request to be released is refused .

Her colleagues were shocked . “We had to cry , we could not believe that this is the person with whom we have worked ,” Doctor Valeri Netsov said , according to the nurse – portal ” Nurse Labs ” at a press conference . ” She was one of our best midwives . She was not prone to conflict . She had humor and was a nice person . “

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