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How to lighten Eyebrows with Bleach at Home easily in 1 minute?

This is the beauty of every era with growing generations beauty and fashion styles and techniques are changing every after decade. if you are a regular reader of my blog then you already knew how to darken eyebrows at home which I shared long ago. However, as said earlier beauty and fashion trends always keep on changing therefore, nowadays bleached eyebrows are more common or in trend. Therefore, today I will share how to lighten eyebrows with bleach at home.

It is a common question as bleached eyebrows gain popularity. If you want to lighten dark brows or temporarily lighten them, this article has all the information you need.

A chemical process called eyebrow bleaching permanently lightens your eyebrows. If you’ve ever walked into a salon with black hair and ended up with golden blonde hair, you already have a pretty good idea of ​​how brow bleaching works.

You might be wondering that why a one needs to bleach his or her eyebrows. The answer is some people including myself have really dark eyebrows which can look harsh. Bleaching my brows give a very soft and subtle look to my face.

Celebrities often use bleaching session for brows to shock everyone on the red carpet. Lady Gaga and Kim Kardashian rocked this brow bleached look in met gala 2016. Now a days not only celebrities do it, it’s very much in trend on tiktok and instagram.

Using brow bleach will lighten the colour of your hair by lifting the keratin and melanin pigments. In other words, bleaching takes your brows’ natural colour away. Depending on how long the bleach is kept on and how dark your original colour is, bleaching your brows can either lighten them by a few shades or turn them snow white.

How to lighten Eyebrows with Bleach at Home

Eyebrow bleaching is frequently done to match light hair on the head or to produce a highly contemporary appearance. No matter what skin tone or eyebrow colour you have, bleaching works for all.

Due to the recent craze of the bleached brow trend, I wanted to share some knowledge that will enable you to achieve your brow goals! With the exception of speed and product usage, bleaching eyebrows is essentially the same as bleaching hair. Keep scrolling down to learn how to bleach your eyebrows at home!


Before starting this procedure, it is essential for you to prepare your brows for the process.

  1. Make sure your brows are freshly plucked and groomed.
  2. If you are wearing any makeup, then wash your face and remove any traces of makeup or dirt from your brows.
  3. Tie your hair in a bun or a pony tail so that your hair are not messed up.
  4. Always do a patch test before applying bleach. Do not apply bleach if it causes redness or any rash.
how to lighten eyebrows with bleach at home by Sagonia Lazarof
Credit: Sagonia Lazarof

For bleaching my brows, I use Sally Hensen bleaching kit but you can use any bleach of your choice. If you have black or brown eyebrows then you are going to have warm undertone so when you are bleaching your hair, you are most likely to get red or orange shade. Always make sure to keep the bleach on for right amount of time.

Mix the equal amount of cream hair bleach and the activator in a container. Use old (but clean) makeup brushes that you no longer use in your regimen to blend them. Blend these together till you get the consistency of whipped cream. After that apply the solution to your brows evenly using a spoolie brush. After coating your hair, use a cotton swab to wipe away extra solution from the edges.

Set your timer for 2 minutes. 1-2 minutes of time is generally the accurate bleach timing for any colored brows. In this time, you don’t get undesirable yellow or reddish shade. Always do a patch test before removing the bleach. If you have got your desired shade then remove the bleach. In that instance, wash your face carefully after removing the bleach. To the region, use your normal face moisturizer. Keep bleach on for another minute if you want more lighter brows.

Repeat bleaching your brows after three months. If you have quick growth, then repeat this once a month. I do it after three months because I feel it lasts on my brows really well. With time, it looks even better as your natural hairs grow out it kind of becomes like a combination of bleached hair and natural hair.

As bleach contains chemical, it is not healthy for hair. So do not forget to nourish your eyebrows with oils like castor oil. Put castor oil in an empty mascara tube and apply it onto your brows when you do your skin care.

I hope now you must have got the answer pf your query about how to bleach eyebrows at home.

Tips to Consider

1- Protect your eyes

Keep in mind that it is extremely risky to put chemicals close to your eyes. Make precautious to avoid getting the bleaching cream in your eyes.

2- Apply Vaseline as a shield

Use some petroleum jelly around your brows before applying the bleach to provide a barrier between the chemicals and your skin.

3- Adequate lightning

Be sure to perform the bleaching procedure in a well-lit room and use a magnifying mirror if available. This will help you get more precise outcome.

4- Consider other alternatives

You can also use natural alternatives to bleaching cream to lighten your brows, such as chamomile tea, honey or lemon juice. To lighten the colour of your brows, you can also apply hydrogen peroxide with a cotton swab.

Video Credit: Sagonia Lazarof

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Frequently asked Questions

[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h3″ question-0=”Does bleaching have any side effects?” answer-0=”No, not always. Since your brow hairs are considerably more fragile than the hair on your head, bleach might harm your eyebrows if you have a bleach allergy. When choosing a technique, a patch test is always advised.” image-0=”” headline-1=”h3″ question-1=”How long bleached eyebrows last?” answer-1=”You can expect the bleached eyebrows to last for a month and for some people it can also last for more than a month. It generally depends on the hair growth.” image-1=”” headline-2=”h3″ question-2=”Why bleached eyebrows are in trend?” answer-2=”Bleached eyebrows are a daring technique to make your brows and eyes stand out from the rest of your facial features. Because it makes a dramatic and striking effect, it is very well-liked.” image-2=”” headline-3=”h3″ question-3=”How many times you can bleach eyebrows?” answer-3=”It is advised to avoid bleaching your eyebrows more than twice a month to prevent the surrounding skin from getting damaged.” image-3=”” count=”4″ html=”true” css_class=””]

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