Beauty & Wellness Body Care Skincare

What Natural Ingredients Are Good for Your Skin and Body

All natural ingredients have a purpose in beauty. But what natural ingredients are good for your skin and body and why should we be focusing on those ingredients when it comes to our beauty? We break this down for you here in this article.

What Natural Ingredients Are Good for Your Skin and Body and its benefits

The composition of the skin depends not only on genetics, but also on environment. Skin health is a big field of research and many studies have found how the cosmetics industry simplifying it with their products. Recently, there is an interesting trend that goes beyond dealing with the outer properties of cosmetics and uses ingredients primarily coming from natural sources. In this article we’ve find out five natural ingredients that you should must have in your kitchen.

  • Olive Oil
  • Turmeric
  • Castor Oil
  • Aloe Vera
  • Coconut Oil

1- Olive Oil and its 10 Amazing Beauty Hacks

Olive Oil for Dry Skin
Olive Oil – what natural ingredients are good for your skin

As one of the healthiest oil in today’s market, almost everyone has a bottle of olive oil in their kitchen. But, this natural product is not just a great ingredient for your meals. Since the ancient time, this vegetable oil has been a part of several beauty regimens. The primary reason is due to its healthful compounds that do wonders to our skin, hair, and nails. To give you a better idea, here is a list of beauty hacks using olive oil.

1. Moisturizes Your Skin and Hair

The most popular in this list of beauty hacks using olive oil is moisturizing your skin and hair with this natural product due to its hydrating effects. Basically, the oil has various substances that can lock water on your skin and hair, preventing dryness. These compounds are squalene, vitamin E, and various fatty acids.

Because of the oil’s moisturizing effects, you can use olive oil in various remedies, which you’ll discover as you read further.

2. A Remedy for Cracked Heels and Hands

An extremely dry dermis can result in cracked or scaly skin. Because of olive oil’s moisturizing effects, you can use this natural product to restore the smoothness of your skin. Compared to moisturizing products, this kitchen staple is cheaper and has no harmful chemicals. The best part, olive oil is as effective as other creams and lotions.

The best way to use olive oil to treat dry and cracked skin is to apply the oil on the affected area before going to sleep.

3. An Excellent Face Mask Ingredient

In this list of what natural ingredients are good for your skin and body, olive oil is our most favorite because it naturally moisturizes our skin, making a face mask with this natural product is the most common. But, why should you add olive oil to your homemade face mask recipes?

Aside from being a moisturizer, this kitchen staple is also rich in antioxidants such as squalene and vitamin E. Basically, these compounds have numerous health benefits internally and externally. One, in particular, is their capability to defy premature aging.

As you know, various factors can hasten the aging process and cause wrinkles such as the sun, pollution, and unhealthy lifestyle choices.

By applying olive oil on your skin at least once or twice a week, you can get a smooth and youthful complexion.

4. Relieves Itchy Skin

Aside from appearing scaly or cracked, dry skin will also result in itchiness. By slathering the oil on your skin after taking a bath, you can restore the smoothness of your skin and relieve itchiness.

Furthermore, mixing some chamomile oil with olive oil can double its effects.

5. Promotes Healthy Nails

Our nails are probably not our greatest assets, but having healthy nails is one way to feel good and confident. Thus, taking care of our nails is also an important part of our beauty regimen.

Fortunately, olive oil can promote healthy nails in various ways. First, this healthful product can soften our cuticles. Aside from that, you can also use the oil to glisten and strengthen your nails.

6. A Lip Balm Alternative

Having chapped lips is quite uncomfortable. This is one reason a lip balm will always have a space in our makeup pouch. But, what if you run out of balm? You can always grab some olive oil in your kitchen. Thanks to the oil’s hydrating effects, it can treat dry and chapped lips.

In addition, you can also use this natural product as a lip scrub. The best way to exfoliate your lips is to mix olive oil with sugar and gently rub the mixture over your lips. You can also use the mixture as a body scrub.

7. Helps Remove Stubborn Eye Makeup

Another in this list of beauty hacks using olive oil is getting rid of makeup. Basically, this healthful oil can grab the stubborn dirt and makeup particles on your skin, especially around the eyes. But, don’t forget to wash the oil with warm water to avoid acne.

8. Makes Your Hair Shiny and Luscious

One of the most popular beauty hacks using olive oil is as a hair treatment.

While our hair is made of dead skin cells, this doesn’t mean that we can neglect our tresses. We still need to take care of our strands to make it strong, healthy, and shiny.

One way to prevent dried and damaged hair is to keep it moisturized. A perfect moisturizing product is an olive oil.

To use olive oil as a hair treatment, warm the oil by submerging the bottle in a bowl of hot water. Once the oil is warm, you can apply it on your wet hair and scalp. Afterward, cover your hair with a shower cap. You can rinse your hair after 30 mins. For best results, doing this hot oil treatment once a week is essential.

9. A Natural Remedy for Dandruff

Various factors may cause dandruff. A common culprit is having a dried scalp. As an effective moisturizer, olive oil can help treat this hair problem.

You can do this simple remedy by gently massaging your scalp with olive oil and cover your hair with a shower cap before you go to sleep.

10. Run Out of Shaving Cream – Use Olive Oil

If you run out of shaving, there’s another option your pick: olive oil.

Thus, the last in this list of beauty hacks using olive oil is applying the oil on your legs before shaving. This will not only make the blade glide smoothly. It can also help prevent razor bumps and burns.

Surprising Benefits Of Turmeric For Skin

2- Turmeric

If someone asks me what natural ingredients are good for your akin, I would immediately respond Turmeric.

Turmeric has been used around the world from hundreds of years. Turmeric a major part of Ayurveda and traditional medicine due to it’s healing properties and cosmetic benefits. Turmeric has an intense golden hue color and this spice is related to ginger family. We can use this ingredient in number of ways to improve our skin and beauty.

Benefits of Turmeric for your skin

When it comes to get glowing and beautiful skin we can consider turmeric as it contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory components.

Things to consider before to start using turmeric for your skin

  • Organic turmeric is recommended
  • Can use turmeric in powder form or you can use sticks also
  • Try to use fresh turmeric for best results
  • If you are allergic then first test on your forearm

Now here are top ways to use Turmeric For Skin

Whiten the Skin

Take 1 teaspoon of turmeric and mix with lemon juice and ( Optional Aloe Vera juice or gel). Make a paste and apply to skin, wash your face after 20 minutes.

To heal wounds

It can heal wounds by decreasing inflammation. Apply turmeric paste to affected area.

Turmeric For Acne

Turmeric having anti-bacterial properties that kills bacteria. Mix Turmeric with honey and apply to face and wash your face after 20 minutes. Try regularly this method to reduce Acne.

Reduction of Skin Pigmentation and Skin Tanning

Turmeric can use to remove skin tanning and pigmentation. Use Turmeric with lemon or cucumber juice paste and apply it on the affected area for 20-30 minutes.
Wash off with plain or lukewarm water. Try regularly for best results.

Treatment of Wrinkles

It’s effective to reduce wrinkles and fine lines. For this use turmeric powder and rice powder with tomato juice. Apply as a mask for 20-30 minutes.

Save your scalp

To remove Dandruff and cure itchy scalp turmeric can use. Mix turmeric with Olive oil or coconut oil and apply to the scalp and massage 5-10 minutes and wash after 15-20 minutes with a shampoo.

3- Castor Oil, One of the Natural Ingredients with Amazing benefits for Your Skin

Castor Oil - what natural ingredients are good for your skin

Throughout the years, castor oil is a common ingredient in several folk remedies. Nowadays, you can see this natural product in a lot of beauty and skin care products. The main reason is due to the oil’s various properties that can heal and improve our skin and hair. But, what exactly are the beauty benefits of castor oil, especially for your face?

The Beauty Benefits of Castor Oil

1. Beautiful Luscious Lips

One of the most common beauty benefits of castor oil is using it as a moisturizer. This is due to the oil’s capability to trap water on your skin and lips.

If you’re searching for a natural product that can prevent dry and cracked lips, castor oil can provide this benefit. Aside from that, applying a small amount of oil on your lips before you sleep can result in soft, smooth, and plump lips. The best part, this natural treatment is less expensive compared to lip balms.

2. Promotes Healthy Hair

Along with coconut oil, castor oil is a common product recommended for healthy hair. One reason for this is the oil’s ricinoleic acid – a compound with various healing properties.

Basically, this compound will not only nourish your scalp. Ricinoleic acid can also stimulate Prostaglandin (PGE2) production that encourages hair growth.

Aside from ricinoleic acid, castor oil is also rich in omega-9 fatty acids that absorb water in the air. As such, this fatty acid can help hydrate your hair, resulting in stronger and healthier tresses.

3. Makes Your Eyebrows and Eyelashes Thicker

Another beauty benefit of castor oil is making your eyebrows and eyelashes thicker. This is mainly because of the oil’s capability to promote hair growth.

However, keep in mind that the eyes and skin surrounding the eyes are delicate. Thus, you have to be careful when applying a small amount of castor oil on your eyelashes.

4. A Natural Facial Cleanser

If you’ve heard about the oil cleansing method, castor oil is a widely used oil for this process. One reason for this is because of the natural product’s cleansing abilities that can remove dead skin cells, makeup, and other skin impurities.

The best way to use castor oil as a facial cleanser is to massage your face for a couple of minutes. Afterward, you can remove the oil by rinsing or wiping your face with a washcloth soaked in warm water.

This method will not only prevent acne breakouts. Castor oil can also help increase your collagen production, giving you a fresh, radiant, and youthful complexion.

5. A Home Remedy for Mild Acne

Last in this list of beauty benefits of castor oil is a remedy for mild acne. Basically, the ricinoleic acid in this natural product is also a potent antibacterial agent. Hence, it can prevent bacterial overgrowth that clogs your pores leading to acne.

But, that’s not all. Castor oil can also penetrate the skin. From there, it can aid in balancing your hormones – another benefit from this natural product. As you know, hormone imbalance can indirectly cause acne breakouts.

However, before using castor oil as a home remedy for acne, consulting your dermatologist is a must.

Some Reminders before Using Castor Oil on Your Face and Hair

Although there are numerous beauty benefits of castor oil, you have to be careful when using this natural product. Improper and excessive use of this popular beauty oil may lead to undesirable effects such as skin dryness, irritation, and falling eyebrows or eyelashes.

The main reason for this is that castor oil is a potent product. Thus, to weaken castor oil’s concentration, you have to dilute it with a carrier oil like jojoba or coconut oil.

Moreover, this natural beauty product is not for everyone. As a common irritant, you may experience an allergic reaction. For this reason, you have to test castor oil on a small area of your skin before applying the oil on your face.

Finally, you have to consult your dermatologist before using this product, especially if you have skin problems.

Overall, using castor oil for beauty purposes is an inexpensive way to look and feel more beautiful and this is the reason that castor oil is in our list of ” What Natural Ingredients Are Good for Your Skin “. But, you have to use this product properly.

4- Amazing Benefits of Aloe Vera

Aloe vera - what natural ingredients are good for your skin

Aloe Vera is widely used in beauty products. As It’s having various beauty benefits. It’s having antibacterial properties and works wonder for skin and hair and key ingredient in many products. Nourish your skin and hair is main benefits of aloe vera gel. We are introducing different ways to use Aloe Vera Gel for awesome skin and hair

Here are top 10 ways to get benefits of Aloe Vera for skin and hair

1.  Aloe Vera for Dry Skin

Aloe vera has hydrating properties and is best for skin moisturization.  Apply Aloe Vera gel directly on your skin. Massage and leave Aloe vera Gel overnight for good results and nourishment for the skin. Aloe vera gel can use with coconut oil or Honey for best results.

2. Aloe Vera Scrub

To scrub and remove dead cells from skin Aloe Vera can use. Try Aloe Vera with sugar or rice flower to scrub both face and body. This will give instant glow on skin.

3.  Aloe Vera for Acne

Aloe vera is having anti bacterial nature and help to cure the bacterial infection of the acne and make it effective in reducing acne and also help in reducing scars. Apply fresh Aloe Vera Gel daily in morning or night to get best results.

4.  Aloe Vera for Sensitive Skin

Aloe Vera with cucumber juice and rose water is best for sensitive skin. It is very gentle to Sensitive Skin and act as a natural astringent. Also decreases wrinkles and get healthy skin.

5. Aloe Vera Gel for Glow

Aloe Vera gel with curd or lemon juice is best remedy to get glowing skin. Curd having lactic acid which hep to remove dead skin. Aloe Vera with curd pack can be used to all type of skin.

6. Aloe Vera Gel for Cracked feet

To keep feet moisturized and heal the cracked feet apply Aloe Vera to your feet daily and massage to absorb the gel. Also you can use Aloe Vera gel as a foot cream to get soft feet.

7. Treating Sunburns

It’s having natural cooling properties and it’s repair cells that’s why always recommended by dermatologists to treat sunburns and remove tan. Can apply gel directly on affected area.

8. Hair Moisturizer

Aloe Vera gel is good to maintain health of hair. As it’s having moisturizing  properties. Can apply gel directly on scalp and wash off hair after 30minutes to get good results.

9. Aloe Vera shampoo

Use Aloe Vera  with your shampoo or can use Aloe vera- infused shampoo to get shiny and smooth hair. It will moisturize your scalp and remove dryness of hair and reduce dandruff. Also it conditions your hair.

10. Aloe Vera Gel As Makeup Remover

Aloe Vera gel is best alternative for makeup remover and it’s safe for eyes also. Take gel on cotton pad to remove makeup. It removes makeup without damaging skin.

5- Genius ways to use Coconut Oil

The health benefits of coconut oil are endless. Coconut oil is also a multipurpose product loaded with good fats and medicinal properties. Coconut oil is useful in cooking, cleaning and even in polishing. Many of us don’t know coconut oil can useful for skin. But it is true that coconut oil for skin works wonderful.

How it works

  • Coconut oil having antibacterial and anti fungal properties.
  • It can use to get rid off bad odor.
  • Coconut oil contains antioxidants which is useful to protect skin ageing.
  • It can use to moisturize dry scalp.
  • It provides sun protection and can use to get sunburn relief.

Here are 5 Genius Ways To Use Coconut Oil

1. Moisturizer

Apply virgin organic coconut oil or normal coconut oil on skin and massage gently. Coconut oil fats help to keep skin moisturized and it also prevents moisture loss. It nourishes skin and make more smooth.

2. Makeup remover

Take a coconut oil on cotton pad and gently remove makeup. It’s work wonderful on waterproof makeup. Also it give extra hydration to the sensitive  area near eye and reduces  wrinkles.

3. Stretch Marks

Use oil to the affected area every night to get best results. Apply oil and massage and leave it overnight. It help to reduce stretch marks and will keep skin moisturized

4. Shaving cream

To get nice and smooth shave on your legs or underarms use coconut oil instead of Shaving cream. It help to prevent razor burn.

5. Body scrub

Take Coconut oil and melt it on low flame. Add  brown sugar in it and gently massage on your body. It will give smoother skin.

In general, several ingredients have amazing properties, that can benefit our skin and body. However, we’ve included only five ingredients in our list of what natural ingredients are good for your skin and body because; when using these ingredients alone or in conjunction with other ingredients can nourish your skin.

Check out this video to know 10 Ways to Use Coconut Oil!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Coconut Oil good for your Skin?

Coconut oil is an organic fat that can be used as a natural moisturizer or in cooking. There have been several studies have investigated the effects of coconut oil for skin and it has proven to be good for skin health.

What are the benefits of olive oil for skin?

Olive oil works well in the prevention of wrinkles and other facial skin problems. It also makes the skin softer and supple.
Olive oil is made up of fatty acids, oils, vitamins A and E, as well as other nutrients that are beneficial to the human body. This has led dermatologists to examine its effects towards treating dry skin patches.
Olive oil contains good amounts of antioxidants that stimulate hydrating, healing and antioxidant processes on the surface of the skin. Antioxidants also work to block free radicals from causing further harm to your body cells.

Can we apply aloe vera gel directly on face

Aloe vera gel is best suited for skin irritations and calming eczema. It is an excellent moisturizer which has aided in improving the skin’s complexion. Aloe vera gel is clinically tested, non-irritant, and safe to use on sensitive skin conditions like eczema and dermatitis without fail. Hence, it can be applied directly on your skin.

Noreen Fahad

Noreen Fahad is a freelance writer, content marketing specialist and social media marketer with more than 11 years of experience. As an expert writer, she makes sure that readers have access to the most relevant and helpful information . She writes about different topics such as Fashion, beauty, parenting, lifestyle, health & fitness and food & Beverages.

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