Beauty & Wellness Body Care

Learn five ways to plump your lips without Surgery

Everyone like Plump lips. Plump Lip looks more luscious and this the fact that full mouths are more attractive than others and nothing can be done. Except that, when nature has given us the lips rather raplapla, we should remedy it? Here we share five simple ways to plump your lips naturally. These are some non-surgical tips for the mouth of your dreams.

Five simple ways to plump your lips

1) Test the lip plumping Mask

Jessica Alba and Lady Gaga have recourse: it is a rich collagen mask, which applies on lips. It hydrates, plumps and bonus even reduce the signs of aging. It would be foolish not to try it, right?

2) Facial Exercise is the best way to plump your lips

Facial Fitness is known to be excellent in preventing wrinkles but not only for that it also one of the best ways to plump your lips. The exercises are very simple: just pronounce all the vowels by opening wide mouth, as if you wanted to talk to someone far away. Repeat it for ten times every day, you will soon see a result.

3) Put the lip balm for stimulating

It says some lip balms contain stimulants natural lip products, such as peppermint or cinnamon. These products cause blood flow to the lips to swell and become a little more red. We even feel a slight tingling, but do not worry, it disappears quickly and is safe.

4) Exfoliate and moisturize

The scrubbing and moisturizing the lips are very important as well give smooth lips feel fuller. For the scrub, we recommend using scrub duo lips of Givenchy, which is a true wonder.

5) Cheating

One of the ways to plump your lips is to use a lip liner: if the lips are thin, it is placed by making a path on the outer contours, always start with the upper lip (the hardest thing to do). Then complete lipstick and the final touch is brought by putting advanced gloss shine.


Noreen Fahad

Noreen Fahad is a freelance writer, content marketing specialist and social media marketer with more than 11 years of experience. As an expert writer, she makes sure that readers have access to the most relevant and helpful information . She writes about different topics such as Fashion, beauty, parenting, lifestyle, health & fitness and food & Beverages.

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