Lifestyle Meditation

How to Start Mindfulness Meditation

When I first got out of college, I started meditating for 30 minutes in a quiet room in campus and the results were amazing. Some mornings, I’d even get up early enough to find some fresh ideas or the best ways to do some exercise. As a beginner it was not easy for me to begin with meditation therefore, in beginning I started to meditate for 10 minutes. I read several articles to understand how to get into meditation and how to start mindfulness meditation.

How to Start mindfulness Meditation?

It’s something that really became my daily ritual as it helped me to unwind on weekends and take care of myself when the rest of us decided we’d had enough.

Five tips on how to Start mindfulness Meditation

Meditation is basically about getting your head in some sort of deep meditation, so it’s not exactly easy to sit down and start doing just that. But it’s definitely possible! Here are five tips on how to Start mindfulness Meditation or how to practice mindfulness:

1- Don’t be hard on yourself if you have bad days

You know those days when you can barely muster three words to describe or describe them? Well, I’m guilty of that too! And it’s okay. We all go through things that would make most people cringe, but for many reasons…

You won’t always want to talk but you probably need to talk. You’ll feel frustrated by something else that needs to be done or that someone deserves more attention than they’re able to give.

I do have my moments where I look at others’ work and think “I don’t know what that person has going on.” Other times I’ll find myself being overly critical and trying to pick apart someone else by nit-pick points. Those are my bad days. And that’s okay!

Nothing worth having happened can happen when you’re constantly comparing yourself. If you try to hold onto someone’s bad day or any other bad feeling, it will only end up causing them more pain and disappointment. So if you’re continually getting upset over a situation, or looking for someone to help with, remember this: the answer is always there.

In Buddhism, this is known as the truth and nothing but that. Even if there isn’t someone who knows you, there is still someone else who wants to. They don’t expect you to walk into their life ready-for-you or expecting anything special, they will put themselves out there!

At least until they realize that no one does. Everything is open for discussion and interpretation and every single argument that occurs will be an opportunity to learn something new from both sides. This is how we create friendships and bonds that last forever.

You may also like to read: Yoga Meditation, a way to Control your mind

2- Breathe deeply before exercising

When I was writing in high school, I didn’t like to sit around and think about problems like there. This wasn’t because I was depressed. My depression was caused by my friend who was very depressed at the same time… But it was because I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t breathe my lungs full of oxygen and when I could, that was very difficult. I got out of breath pretty frequently and this made me feel very anxious and scared.

Luckily, I knew of two sisters who had to overcome this problem and were able to breathe easily. I guess it is a form of anxiety sometimes. But I also realized that whenever I was in the midst of some kind of difficulty, it made me extremely calm and less stressed. When I was having trouble breathing, I’d tell myself just to breathe. And when it happened, whenever I needed something to be done…

That’s when I’d say, “Breathe!” As long as I had another one to remind me, or just something to focus on, I never had much to worry about. The thing with being aware of something wrong that makes you nervous is that it doesn’t make it easier until it becomes completely normal! A lot of situations that cause anxiety and depression happen over things like financial and family matters and then there are other things that aren’t so obvious, like friends.

These aren’t things like friends that you see for the first couple of weeks, or that you like. If they’re important, you might still like them. And yes, some of the friends you do have might not be such a big deal at times; at least it isn’t always. But the point is, whenever you notice that you have an issue, you need to know that something is happening that needs to be addressed. Otherwise, you might be stuck in a rut or you might be living in an unhealthy environment which will lead to a huge amount of self-destructive behavior and a negative sense of self-worth.

It is important that you recognize these issues right away and address them as soon as you notice them. And while you might be able to avoid some negative influences to live in, sometimes these things are unavoidable and they are unavoidable because of circumstance.

Because things happen, you may experience a negative emotional trigger, like depression, anxiety, anger, etc. that affects your ability to function properly and not feel hopeless because you are having to fight through the struggles of everyday life. Just because it isn’t the hardest part of your day doesn’t mean that you should forget about it. I personally have experienced both.

Being able to identify where the triggers are for you is important to keep track of and to use as an example of to follow. Knowing that mental illness and depression aren’t a character flaw is key too. Having someone to talk to on this journey can help immensely. Whether it’s professional counseling, spiritual guidance, or simply learning coping mechanisms or meditating even just for 10 minutes that will help you better manage your emotions better, these strategies will allow you to function and be happy again.

3- Surround yourself with positive people.

I honestly hate saying this to anyone, but, trust me when I say surround yourself with positive people. Maybe you don’t know them yet, but once you do, stick together. There’s nothing worse than sitting around a crowded restaurant after an exhausting day and feeling disconnected and isolated because everyone seems to be talking about themselves.

Sure, you can talk or argue with those who might say things that are offensive to you, or share opinions that are rude to others. Or maybe you just have concerns to say and you don’t want the conversation to come off as angry. That’s fine! But it shouldn’t lead to you being left alone and empty inside.

I once spent two years in therapy and I’ve been told many times that the people who I met felt emotionally distant or disconnected when I started dating. It is possible that if you notice that, that’s actually an indication that you aren’t making an effort to connect.

All those people you meet who are nice to you are not there to help you and are just there because they like who you are! Your friends are there to support you in different aspects of your lives, whether that be a day-to-day struggle or something deeper. Letting those other people in can be beneficial and it will help when it comes to setting boundaries, not letting negative thoughts creep in and taking the time to get back in tune with your own head space.

4- Remember that these feelings are valid

Last, but certainly not least… remember that these feelings are valid and that they are a part of you without you even realizing it. No one can control everything that happens in our lives. And no one can help all the pain, suffering, joys, accomplishments, and challenges that come along with us.

However, it is important to remember that pain or struggle is a part of who we are and that it is okay. You need to be okay. You really are okay. If you ever feel lost or you get upset at yourself for even thinking that you’re having a tough day, remember this: no matter what the struggle, everyone goes through struggles at some point.

No one gets it right all the time. Everyone struggles sometimes. What I enjoy most about teaching meditation is that it is very personal and it’s based on what makes us happy. Even if you are having Anxiety you can control it just by following these mindfulness techniques for anxiety that I shared with you here today and hopefully will inspire you to try giving it a shot!

5- Enjoy your workout.

You’re putting on your body for the first time in the gym or taking up running. It might sound silly, but I promise that taking a breather after a challenging workout can help clear out some emotions that have been lying dormant in your body for hours on end.

Take your time, relax, and enjoy. Keep in mind that you are taking a moment for yourself and as a practice for meditation, taking your time will help you maintain your sanity for the duration of meditation. It will be good for you and for others too!

How to do Meditation for beginners:

Have a look at The Power Of Introspection for inspiration and guidance on a moment-by-moment basis on how to do meditation and how to choose between one and two pranayama, each taking on slightly different meanings depending on your situation and circumstance. For example, say you’re having a hard time sleeping, feel blocked out, or struggling with anxiety and stressors; the first step, according to The 6 Habits of Highly Effective People, is to acknowledge this, recognize it, and learn to live with it, acknowledge it, and then build up from that first step as needed.

Mindfulness vs Meditation

Try to bring awareness to any thoughts rushing through your head. Even if you feel like it’s impossible to stop them immediately, try to breathe deeply through your nose, allowing yourself to take a few moments before deciding to do anything that requires movement or attention from others.

As often as possible, choose the stillness of being — the kind of meditative state to get you focused so that you can start working through problems and obstacles. You may need to use music, poetry, art, or even just walking meditation, which doesn’t leave you exhausted after the first session.

When trying these meditations, keep in mind that they aren’t meant for everyone and are meant for those who really are able to get into them, so that you can help support yourself while still making progress with your goals and overall well-being/happiness levels.

How to Meditate for 10 Minutes

Step 1

The next step after choosing your approach might be doing some breathing exercises (a great meditator trick is to find relaxing poses that put the body back into its relaxed state) before actually starting to meditate. Make sure you have some sort of space in front of you (either a mirror or your alarm clock), and then stand, and walk silently through your meditative pose while trying to focus your eyes only.

Then go to breath, again, focusing on your inhaled air, letting your stomach relax, your shoulders drop down, and the chest relax. Breathe out while holding the breath, then return to the normal level of breathing (either counting steps, or holding air, or repeating a mantra). Just try and find something you can hold while meditating regularly because this will help decrease your heart rate and help with breathing better, which will also reduce anxiety.

If this still isn’t enough, consider adding a simple massage of the hands and feet. Or go to a quiet place like the bathroom and relax while playing around with your towel, rubbing the feet together gently, or running a bathtub, or rolling a towel across your feet. These techniques aren’t designed to help you fall asleep, but rather to relieve some pain and release tension. Keep these tips in mind just in case.

Step 2

Once you’ve got all this out of the way, it’s time to sit quietly and try meditating. You might try mindfulness meditation exercises such as yoga (yes, there are various types of yoga), mindfulness, affirmations, and prayer, but the basic point is that you can do whatever meditation practice you’re comfortable with, in whichever format you find most appealing.

Meditating for me has been my biggest struggle in my entire adult life and having made strides in overcoming it by simply sitting and doing nothing and watching the world pass me by, I do believe that more people should be able to meditate and that, even though it takes several months, meditating helps every single person find their inner peace, and that we should all help each other find theirs.

Now, as I finish counting my breaths, I am fully convinced that I’m becoming a good meditator. Yes… meditating for 10 minutes might sound stupid. Especially when it can benefit you and allow you to express your emotions in a healthy way. But it can also help you gain insight into yourself and learn how to relate to others more efficiently. I will keep posted about how to start mindfulness Meditation as well as meditation.

You can Probably enjoy this Relaxing Music while Meditating

Noreen Fahad

Noreen Fahad is a freelance writer, content marketing specialist and social media marketer with more than 11 years of experience. As an expert writer, she makes sure that readers have access to the most relevant and helpful information . She writes about different topics such as Fashion, beauty, parenting, lifestyle, health & fitness and food & Beverages.

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