Beauty & Wellness Skincare

DIY Home Remedies To Reduce Hyperpigmentation

Are you tired of combating skin imperfections like hyperpigmentation, melasma, freckles, brown spots, signs of aging, blemishes and acne marks? In this article, I’ll discuss quick and effective home remedies to reduce hyperpigmentation naturally to get naturally perfect, flawless skin.

Bid farewell to pricey treatments, skincare products, and harmful products. These natural remedies for hyperpigmentation are inexpensive, simple to prepare, and made with only organic components. But before starting further understand what is hyperpigmentation.

What is Hyperpigmentation?

Hyperpigmentation can be a frustrating and disheartening skin condition, with countless products and claims flooding the internet promising magical results. As individuals seeking to improve our appearance and boost our confidence, it’s essential to rely on scientifically proven ingredients that effectively combat hyperpigmentation. This article aims to shed light on the ingredients that have been tested and shown to work, providing a reliable cheat sheet for anyone struggling with this skin concern.

Understanding Hyperpigmentation

Hyperpigmentation comes in various forms, including brown, red, or purple marks, ranging from small spots to large patches. These marks can persist on the skin from days to months, and they often result from sun damage, physical trauma (such as picking or acne), or hormonal changes (like melasma during pregnancy). To effectively treat hyperpigmentation, we need to prevent it, stop the skin from producing excess pigmentation, and halt its spread.

Causes of Hyperpigmentation:

  1. Melanin Concentration: Hyperpigmentation occurs when the body concentrates more melanin in certain areas. This darkening of the skin can appear on the hands, face, or other body parts. The root cause of this concentration lies in a deficiency of antioxidants in the body.
  2. Best Herb for Hyperpigmentation – Licorice: According to Ayurveda, licorice is considered one of the best herbs for treating hyperpigmentation. It can be used in face masks or consumed as licorice tea. Licorice does not whiten the skin but helps balance it, making it effective for dark spots and pigmentation issues. A study published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology found that licorice extract was effective in reducing hyperpigmentation caused by melasma. The study participants applied a licorice extract cream to their face twice daily for 12 weeks, and the results showed a significant improvement in the appearance of their melasma.
  3. Aloe Vera’s Healing Properties: Aloe vera is another potent remedy for hyperpigmentation. Applying the gel directly to the affected areas or consuming aloe vera juice can help reduce dark spots. Look for aloe vera products with minimal chemicals for best results.
  4. Green Tea’s Antioxidant Power: Rich in antioxidants, green tea can combat hyperpigmentation when consumed regularly or applied as an extract to the skin. A study published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology found that green tea extract was effective in reducing hyperpigmentation caused by sun damage. The study participants applied a green tea extract cream to their face twice daily for 12 weeks, and the results showed a significant improvement in the appearance of their sun damage.
  5. Cinnamon’s Insulin Balancing Effect: Cinnamon balances insulin levels, indirectly contributing to the reduction of hyperpigmentation. Including cinnamon in your diet or using it in homemade face masks can be beneficial.
  6. Harnessing Vitamin C’s Antioxidant Strength: Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant that protects the skin from oxidative stress. Consuming vitamin C-rich foods and using vitamin C serums can aid in reducing hyperpigmentation.
  7. Quality Sleep for Skin Health: Adequate sleep is crucial for maintaining healthy skin. It ensures the body produces sufficient melatonin, which aids in skin repair and rejuvenation.
  8. Avoiding High Estrogen Levels: High estrogen levels, such as those caused by contraceptive pills or hormonal imbalances, can contribute to hyperpigmentation. Consider using contraceptives with lower estrogen levels or exploring alternative birth control methods.
  9. Limit Sun Exposure: While sunlight helps the body produce melatonin, excessive sun exposure can damage the skin and reduce antioxidants, leading to hyperpigmentation. Wear sunscreen, protective clothing, and limit sunbathing to avoid exacerbating the condition.
  10. Managing Stress: Chronic stress can deplete antioxidants in the body and contribute to hyperpigmentation. Adopt stress-reducing techniques like meditation and yoga for a healthier balance.

The Cheat Sheet: Proven Ingredients for Hyperpigmentation

Prevention: Protecting Your Skin

The best way to address hyperpigmentation is through prevention. This involves safeguarding your skin from sun damage, physical trauma, and hormonal changes.

  • Sun Protection: Use sunscreen daily to shield your skin from harmful UV rays, a significant cause of hyperpigmentation. Look for broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher.
  • Avoid Skin Picking: Resist the temptation to pick or scratch at your skin, as it can lead to post-inflammatory hypopigmentation or hyperpigmentation.
  • Hormonal Management: If hormonal changes trigger pigmentation issues, consult a healthcare provider or dermatologist for appropriate management.

Stopping Pigmentation Production: Tyrosinase Inhibitors

Melanocytes, the cells responsible for producing melanin, create pigmentation through an enzyme called tyrosinase. By using tyrosinase inhibitors, we can halt this pigment-producing process.

  • Over-the-Counter Options: Consider products with Alpha arbutin, tranexamic acid, licorice root extract, and kojic acid. They can slow down melanin production and prevent pigmentation.
  • Prescription Options: Hydroquinone, tretinoin, and azelaic acid are prescription-strength ingredients that work effectively in stopping hyperpigmentation.

Preventing Pigmentation Spread: Niacinamide

Niacinamide, a powerful antioxidant, can prevent pigmentation from spreading once it is produced. It doesn’t stop melanocytes from creating pigment, but it keeps the pigmentation localized and prevents its dispersion.

Recommended Products:

  • Topicals Faded Serum: Contains azelaic acid, tranexamic acid, and niacinamide.
  • The Ordinary Niacinamide 10% + Zinc 1%: Ideal for oily and acne-prone skin, helps with pigmentation and oil regulation.
  • Dark Spot Remover: Removes Freckles, Sun Spot and Melasma with a combination of effective ingredients.

Also Read: How to keep Skin Healthy and Glowing Naturally at Home

DIY Home Remedies to reduce hyperpigmentation

Potato Juice Pack - Home Remedies To Reduce Hyperpigmentation

How to Get Rid of Hyperpigmentation with Potato Juice


  • 2 Tbsp Potato Juice
  • 1/2 tsp Potato Starch or Rice Powder or Chickpeas Powder
  • 1 tsp Lemon Juice
  • 1 tsp Baking Soda


  1. Take 1 potato and shred it. Then strain the shredded potato and extract potato juice. Pour 2 tablespoons of potato juice in a bowl and add ½ teaspoon of potato starch. Potato starch is easily available in markets and online. But if you don’t have potato starch then you can use rice flour or chickpea powder as an alternative.
  2. Then add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of baking soda to the mixture.
  3. Mix well.

How to Apply:

Apply this mixture to cleansed face. Apply thick paste to the areas where you have pigmentation. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes. While the pack is still slightly wet on your face, gently massage in circular motion.  Wash your face with lukewarm water. For best results, apply this paste daily or on alternative days.


The ingredients in this mixture are magical. They are packed with enzymes, vitamin C, Potassium and natural bleaching agents. This will not only improve your pigmentation but also brightens your skin tone. Also the exfoliation in this remedy destroys the melanin cells which are over producing the melanin leading to hyperpigmentation. It will also reduce the appearance of dark circles.

The naturally bleaching characteristics of potatoes aid in the removal of dead skin cells and brighten the skin. Due to its high catecholase and antioxidant properties, spots and hyperpigmentation can be removed.  Lemon juice is also rich in antioxidants and vitamin C that also work as whitening agent to reduce blemishes.

There is no immediate skin-whitening impact of baking soda. However, it also performs a number of other things to maintain the skin’s radiance and beauty. It eliminates blemishes, prevents bacterial infections, unclogs pores, and exfoliates dead skin cells, all of which work together to lighten the skin.

DIY Licorice and Aloe Vera Hyperpigmentation Treatment

Natural therapies can successfully cure hyperpigmentation, which is characterized by dark spots or patches on the skin. One such cure includes the use of licorice and aloe vera, both of which are known to have skin-beneficial qualities. When done on a daily basis, this do-it-yourself therapy can help diminish hyperpigmentation.


  • 1 tablespoon Licorice Powder
  • 1 tablespoon Rose Water
  • 1 teaspoon vitamin E oil
  • 2 tablespoons Aloe Vera Gel


  1. Combine 1 tsp licorice powder and 1 tbsp rose water in a mixing dish. To make a smooth paste, properly combine the two components.
  2. Remove any lumps and strain the mixture to create a uniform texture.
  3. To the licorice and rose water combination, add 1/2 teaspoon vitamin E oil. Vitamin E is an effective antioxidant that may nourish and protect the skin.
  4. Add 2 tbsp of aloe vera gel to the mixture. Because of its calming and healing characteristics, aloe vera is an ideal complement to this DIY therapy.
  5. Mix all of the ingredients together until they make a smooth, homogeneous consistency.
  6. To keep the prepared combination fresh and effective, store it in an airtight container.

How to Use:

  • Before applying mixture, carefully cleanse your face.
  • Apply a tiny amount of the prepared mixture to the regions affected by hyperpigmentation.
  • For optimal absorption, massage the mixture into the skin in circular movement.
  • Allow the mixture to stay on your skin for 15-20 minutes this will allow the active components to do its work.
  • Wash your face with Lukewarm water.
  • Use these home remedies to reduce hyperpigmentation as part of your everyday skincare regimen for the greatest results.


  • By controlling melanin production, licorice powder helps to reduce hyperpigmentation.
  • Aloe vera gel calms and heals the skin, minimizing the irritation linked with hyperpigmentation.
  • Vitamin E oil nourishes and protects the skin from oxidative damage.
  • Rose water functions as a natural toner, refreshing and revitalizing the skin.


  • Before applying the mixture to your entire face, perform a patch test, especially if you have sensitive skin or allergies.
  • If you have any negative reactions, stop using it and visit a dermatologist.
  • Consistency is essential for attaining obvious effects, therefore apply the treatment on a daily basis for best results.

Rice Toner to reduce hyperpigmentation

In this remedy, we will prepare a toner which will further decrease the impurities in the skin. A


  • 2 Tsp Crushed Rice
  • 1/2 Cup Milk


  1. Pour ½ cup milk in a bowl.
  2. Add 2 teaspoons of crushed rice to it.
  3. Leave it for 3-4 hours. Then strain the mixture and store it in a container and keep it is Refrigerator.

How to Apply

After following the remedy 1 or 2, apply this toner to your face with a help of cotton pad. This will result in a clear, cleansed face. For best results, apply this toner thrice a day. After that, apply few drops of vitamin E oil and let it absorb into your skin.

This remedy can be used on all kinds of skin, including dry, oily, sensitive, and combination skin, but it should be avoided if you suffer from persistent breakouts or acne or skin that is inflamed. Also, do a patch test on a small area before using this remedy.


Lactic acid, which is present in milk, aids in reducing the visibility of black spots and shows smooth, radiant skin. Dark patches on your face can be lightened and your skin tone can be brightened using rice water. Additionally, it’s becoming more well-known for its power to lighten tan and improve any signs of hyperpigmentation.

These all-natural remedies are tried and tested home remedies to reduce hyperpigmentation, obstinate sunspots, acne scars, pimple marks, and uneven skin tone. Say farewell to hyperpigmentation and welcome your naturally shiny, most beautiful skin.

Important Tips to naturally reduce hyperpigmentation:

Beside these natural home remedies to reduce hyperpigmentation, there are important tips:

  1. Spend less time in heat especially in kitchens. Keep your skin protected from the direct heat of the stove.
  2. Avoid using products with fragrance as they are harmful for the skin.
  3. LED lights from our phones, TV and tablets are also not good for the skin as they can further worsen the hyperpigmentation.
  4. Complete your 8 hours of sleep cycle as improper sleep can lead to the appearance of fine lines, freckles and hyperpigmentation.
  5. Stay well hydrated as hydration is the key to combat hyperpigmentation.
  6. Make sure to apply sunscreen in the day whether you go out or stay home. UV rays can further damage the skin and cause sun spots.


Patches of hyperpigmentation are most commonly caused by sun damage, which you may greatly reduce by using SPF and avoiding direct sunlight. Using products with natural components like potato and lemon juice can help cure darker skin pigmentation. You can take additional preventive steps to reduce the appearance of recurring dark pigmentation in addition to remedies and sun protection. Avoid irritating skin care products because these may worsen or even induce hyperpigmentation.

Consult your dermatologist of your hyper pigmentation is not getting better. Then this may be due to an underlying medical condition.

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