Healthcare & Fitness

A Look at Deadly Ebola Symptoms

A Look at Deadly Ebola Symptoms

Before we get on the Ebola symptoms one must have a slight understanding of this Ebola Symptomsdeadly disease EBOLA, Which has grabbed all the attention of Medical world in very little span of time because of its fatal nature. The disease Ebola hemorrhagic fever which is simply known as Ebola virus is a severe disease in human and primates (Mammals). The deadly virus has transmitted to humans from wild animals such as infected bat (Which is considered as real host of this virus) and monkeys. Human to human transmission happens due to direct contact with infected person such as bodily fluid, secretion or Blood.


The first outbreak of ebola virus occurred in 1976 in South Sudan. The Ebola Virus Has 5 types out of which 4 are found to have severe affect on humans which includes Sudan Virus (SUDV) infected the first human in 1976. Tai Forest Virus (Described first time in 1995), Bundibugyo Virus (First time was described in 2008) and The Most Deadly Zaire Ebola virus or simply Known as EbolaVirus (Was described in 1998 for the first time). Zaire Ebolavirus is the most dangerous for humans and has caused the largest number of deaths.

This Deadly disease can be transmitted in person to person even with the item that is recently used by infected person or came in contact with bodily fluid of infected person.


The Virus can show its symptoms within 2 days to 21 days of contamination. Usually it shows symptoms in between 4 to 10 days. Ebola Symptoms can be extremely severe and may include few of the common viral infections.

Main Ebola Symptoms:

  • Influenza – Feeling tired, Weakness, Fever, Body Ache etc
  • Cough and Chest Infection
  • Chest Pain
  • Vomiting and Nausea
  • Intense Weight Loss
  • Red Eyes
  • Stomach Ache
  • Bleeding from Eyes, Nose, Gum and Sometime in stool
  • Diarrhea (Can be Bloodily Even)
  • Damaged Kidney
  • Liver Function Failure
  • Rashes
  • Low White Blood cells and platelets


Diagnosing Ebola can be very difficult as the common symptoms are usually not given much attention as these can be considered as seasonal viruses. Doctors have been much conscious on this as patient does not take these symptoms serious. In order to diagnose ebola doctors make patients to undergo various tests such as


  • ELISA or anti-body capture enzyme linked immunosorbent assay
  • Test to Detect Antigens
  • Test to serum neutralization
  • Microscopy (electron)
  • cell culture (Virus Isolation)

These samples of patients are of hazardous risk therefore kept under biological controlled conditions


Unfortunately there is no proven vaccination or medicine available for treatment of ebola virus but there can be vaccination for this fatal monster in future as 2 potential vaccines are undergoing testing for human safety.


Till the medical science come up with a vaccine or treatment for ebola virus the doctors are taking preventive steps

  • Reduce the risk of transmission from wildlife animals to human
  • Reduce the risk of transmission from human to human by avoiding direct and close contact with infected person especially bodily fluid.

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