If you do not like your belly pooch and your heart aches when you see yourself in the mirror, then now is the time to take some action.  We should understand one fact that cursing yourself in-front of the mirror and getting sad about your appearance would not do anything. Now is the time to stop asking this question How To Lose Belly Fat In 2 Weeks?

Rather stand-up and do some action for your transformation. There are several tonics to reduce belly fat that are also available in the market. One of the best item that I used as well is an Ancient Japanese Tonic that melts fat very fast. It is suitable for men and women, who are struggling to lose weight.

Regular at-home exercise and a fat protein efficient meal plan is the key to how to lose belly fat in 2 weeks. Nonetheless, with all this information it is important to understand your physique and how it will respond is also important. As maybe you find out the reason behind your weight gain is genetic. Due to this fact, when you’ve put some extra weight apart from other factors your heredity could also be one of the reasons for your weight gain.

Moreover, Female tends to gain weight especially their belly increases when they are undergoing through menopause. Because of menopause, it affects some cellular activity in the body which change the distribution of Fat and deposit it in the stomach causing a belly pooch. This change seems more visible as you age. Therefore, in order to lose belly fat don’t as how to lose belly fat in 2 weeks rather you need to do belly Fat workout along with the fastest weight loss diet. Otherwise, your waistline will possibly increase more.

What are the dangers of belly Fat?

Fat around the midsection of the belly is highly risky and can be a dangerous threat to life. It can affect our well-being. Deep belly fat can cause heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer. Therefore it is very important to lose belly fat as fast as we can. In order to reduce belly Fat we should opt a healthy lifestyle.

Stop asking how to lose belly fat in 2 weeks naturally and start with your diet and core workout, take a note of your diet and plan some fat protein efficient diet meal for a week. We know for certain Calories matter. There is only one mantra we need to burn more calories than we consume. Therefore, we need to focus first on our diet that can lower our calorie intake and second is effective workout that work on our abdominal muscles. In order to reduce body fat naturally Keto diet is the best option. You can consult with your dietitian or buy an online Custom Keto diet Plan  which is a one month diet plan to lose belly fat with your personal food preference.

With diet at home workout for 3 days, a week is also a must because without proper workout you cannot get best result in your contest “how to lose belly fat in 2 weeks”

Related Article: How to lose 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks

What is Russian twist? Does Russian Twist burn belly fat?

This exercise is one of the most used in CrossFit to exercise the core area. In this complete exercise abdominal muscles work through the Russian twist.

Wondering How do Russian Twists burn belly fat?

Basically, Russian twist is a best exercise to reduce belly fat for female at home. The Russian twist or Russian twists can be practiced by athletes of all levels. If you have just started in the crossfit world and you are at a beginner level, we recommend that you do this exercise without any type of equipment.

If you are a more advanced athlete, you can use weight during your exercise. A dumbel, a ball or a kettlebell are the most commonly used loads.

How To Lose Belly Fat In 2 Weeks with Russian Twist

We assume if you are here that means you wanted to know how to lose stomach fat in 2 weeks with Russian Twist. Perhaps, secret is that there are several exercises that help in reducing belly fat but the Russian twist directly impacts on deep belly fat and burns belly fat fast. Russian Twist doesn’t only transform the Front Ab Muscle but also works on the transverse abdominal muscles known as TVA. TVA is a deep muscle that runs under the obliques.

Although it is a simple movement, the truth is that we see many people practicing it in an incorrect way. It is not just about moving your arms from one side to the other without any control. The rotation has to be generated from our trunk while we tighten the abdominal and lumbar area.

How to perform Russian Twist

Sit and twist your upper body on how to lose Belly Fat in 2 weeks with this cool ab exercise! This exercise consists of a sitting pose and a side-to-side rotation of your upper body. You can also hold a basketball or just collapsed your fingers.

How to lose belly fat in 2 weeks with Russian Twists

Source: 8fit

  1. Sit on the exercise mat or floor. Then raise your both legs and bend your knees lift your feet off the ground while your heel touches firmly to the floor in such a way that the buttocks are the only point of support for our body on the ground.

  2. Tilt upper body at the backward position at an angle of 45 degrees to the floor. Keep your spine straight at the same angle as it will hunch your shoulders forward. To do this exercise correctly, it is very important to keep your abdomen contracted so as not to hurt your back . The spine should not bow or curve excessively.

  3. Now hold basketball or clasp fingers of both hands and pull your arms towards your knees. If we do the exercise with weight, we will have to rotate the torso carrying the dumble, the kettlebell or the medicine ball from one side of the body to the other until it touches the ground. If, on contrary, we do exercise without any weight, we will take our hands to one side and to the other, doing the same torso twist as if we were carrying weight.

  4. Now when you maintain your position start twisting. Exhale when you twist right. Inhale back to the center then exhale and twist to right.
  5. Throughout every twist, keep your upper body at 45 degrees with a straight spine. And your shoulders remain in level with your lower body for optimum core rotating pressure.

  6. Repeat every twist for 10 repetitions.

If you are just starting out and you still do not have a lot of strength in the abdomen, we recommend that you do the exercise in an adapted way. You can rest your feet on the ground, keeping your torso position leaning when doing the turn. In this way, the tension of the exercise will be relieved and you will have a much more stable position reducing the risk of injury.

You don’t have to run to do it as fast as possible. It is better to execute it in a controlled way, being aware at all times of the position we are adopting when making each lateral turn . Do not lose sight of the inclination of the body at any time because we should not move our back.

If you decide to do it with weight, do not pick up more weight than you can move in this position as it will make a greater effort to hold the load while you move from one side to the other and you will neglect the technique.

Just as you cannot run without first knowing how to walk, in the vast majority of CrossFit exercises, if not all, it is better to go slowly .

You know yourself, you know where your limits are and the load you can lift in certain positions. It will be useless to gain a lot of weight doing the Russian twists if you are risking your back and lower back. It is better that as you gain strength in the abdominal area, you increase the weight of your kettlebell or medicine ball .

What muscles involve in Russian twist? How can Russian Twist reduce belly fat?

It is essential to have a good technique when performing it since, in all exercises, if any movement is neglected during its execution it can cause injury or muscle pain, especially t s dangerous for the back.

As we have mentioned earlier that any athlete, whether beginner or advanced who want to learn how to lose belly fat in 2 weeks with exercise can practice it, but having strength in the abdominal area beforehand will help to perform the exercise in a much more better way.

By maintaining a tension position to stay at the 45 ° lean angle while doing the turn, various muscle areas are exercised. Thus, the main muscles that are worked when doing the Russian twists are the internal and external abdominal obliques  and the rectus abdominis.

The obliques has main function in the rotation of our belly, therefore, in this exercise they are the main involved during the turns.

Also, although with a more secondary role, the lumbar and hip flexors are also involved n Russian twists.

Advantages and benefits of Russian twists to lose belly fat in 2 weeks

If you are wondering how to lose belly fat in 2 weeks only with Russian Twists then I must tell you that this is very complete exercise that has series of advantages and benefits that it is important to highlight so that you do not miss any detail:

  • It is an exercise that you can practice without equipment , so if you want to train at home you will not need anything to do it.
  • You will gain a lot of abdominal and lumbar strength as well .
  • You will develop greater stability in the core area .
  • It is a perfect exercise to combine with others that work on the core, such as toes to bar, kettlebell swing, weighted sit-ups or hollow rocks .
  • It is ideal to include in workouts in which you want to strengthen and tone the obliques .

Variations of the Russian twist

As we have already mentioned, this exercise can be done without equipment, for a beginner level, or with weight for more advanced levels. Russian twist can be performed with ball, dumbbells and kettlebells and even with a barbell, but it can also be done standing up .

How standing Russian twists can be performed and how to lose belly fat in 2 weeks with standing Russian twist? First of all let tell you if you are just concerned about how to lose belly fat in 2 weeks than do Russian twist as we explained above. However, if you are beginner and you do not have enough strength then start with standing Russian Twist.

In order to perform standing Russian Twist we will stand on our feet separated a little beyond the width of the hips. We will hold with our arms outstretched and with both hands a kettlebell or any weight and turn our trunk from one side to the other, lifting slightly (but without separating from the ground) the opposite foot towards the side to which we are going in the movement.

This variation is perfect if you are starting out in your contest how to lose belly fat in 2 weeks and want to gradually gain strength.

Now don’t worry about how to lose belly fat in 2 weeks because we’ve just taught you best exercise to work on your oblique muscles. The Russian twist is the best exercise to lose belly fat fast. In the beginning, start slowly and give time to your body to recover after every core exercise. Always observe how your body reacts to each exercise and adjust accordingly.

Go ahead and put it into practice!


How to lose belly fat in 2 weeks naturally at home with 4 simple Steps

You can lose your belly fat in 2 weeks by following 4 simple steps:
1- Drink lots of Water
2- Take proper sleep
3- Control your Calories n take
4- Workout such as Russian twists

Can you lose stomach fat in 7 days?

It is not recommended to use certain ways to lose belly fat in fastest way as it may cause several internal injuries. However, it is a best practice to lose belly fat gradually with the help of your diet and proper workout.


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