
Shaq’s Son Shareef O’Neal is a Two-Way Player! 6’8 15 Year Old!

Shareef O’Neal is known as Shaq’s son, but the 6’8 Windward High School (Los Angeles, CA) sophomore is carving out his own basketball identity. Shareef spent the summer starring for California Supreme’s 15U squad. We caught him at Bigfoot Hoops’ Las Vegas Classic. USC and UCLA have already offered scholarships and we’re sure more schools will follow suit!

Saudi led coalition suffers deadliest day in Yemen, as UAE & Bahrain lose 50 troops-2

In its deadliest battle incident ever, United Arab Emirates forces have lost at least 45 soldiers fighting among the Saudi-led coalition engaged in Yemen, after Houthi rebels reportedly fired a rocket into weapons warehouse at a military camp.
The deadly incident took place in the oil-producing Marib area of central Yemen, allegedly after the Houthi missile struck an ammunitions depot. At least 22 Emirati soldiers were killed on the spot while 23 others died from their wounds hours later, UAE state news agency WAM reported.


Cleaning Hard Water Deposits

How to remove hard water deposits off of faucets and sinks. No need for special cleaners or chemicals, just plain vinegar is used on this. The acid in the vinegar easily dissolves the calcium and hard water deposits and makes it easy to remove.


Ballerina Wedding Surprise Groomsmen Dance

Kirk,a professional dancer, surprised his bride Valerie with an incredible dance performance by him and his groomsmen. Valerie is a ballerina with the Richmond Ballet and their wedding reception took place on the same stage they had shared as dancers in performances for the Richmond Ballet (CenterStage in Richmond, VA)


Baby Loves Cat

She’s incapable of controlling her limbs when her kitty is around. The obsession grows every day.

That’s a sleep sack she’s in. Not a starfish outfit. Although I wish I were cool enough to dress my daughter in a starfish outfit.